Cutting-Edge + Advanced Preventive Protection .

X•Aware — Automated Potential Threat Recognition.

X•Aware — empowering the private security and public safety industry with with a human-centric dashboard aided personal protection technology that automatically identifies risks 24/7 and prevents threats in the physical world.

Made in the Netherlands, EU.

Minimize Vulnerability to Unforeseen Threats

Receive automatic alerts when detecting and recognizing “invisible” potential threats.

  • Discover when you are being followed by one or several vehicles, even over the course of several days
  • Gain insight into when unauthorized objects are moving around your home, office and other locations
  • Recognize blacklisted objects and groups from a distance before they come near you or your family

Recognize automatically when potential threats move around you – unnoticed.

EU Designed "Edge Security" Technology

X•Aware enables private security and public safety staff to intervene proactively.

X•Aware operates beyond the range of security cameras. 360° Situational Awareness in any given situation and environment.

X•Aware allows your operators to detect and correlate unidentifiable objects, prioritizing privacy-by-design principles.

X•Aware is a truly Plug & Play technology that can be deployed both fixed and on the move.

With X•Aware, you:


  • Reduce false alarms and increase the actual accuracy of the alarms

  • Prevent information from being overlooked by camera blind spots

  • Minimize information loss during personnel changes

Deciphering Invisible to Visible.

  • Privacy By Design + Default
  • Receive factual real-time insights
  • Discover regular patterns of movement
  • Recognize the movements of PoI’s
  • Prediction of possible intrusions
  • Detecting and verifying intrusions
  • Be aware of potential threats while traveling
  • Automatic Detection + Correlation + Recognition

Plug & Play Automated Preventive Security

Based on automatic correlations, pattern recognition and smart algorithms, the system recognizes potential threats very accurately.

Use an X•Aware set around your property, while walking, traveling and while driving in your vehicle. The X•Aware has an exceptional modular design.

X•Aware operates autonomously. It learns and adapts in real time based on the passive in RF-spectrum data points it collects.

Collect the digital evidence necessary to enable your security teams to preventively apprehend intruders, criminals and assailants.

Why X•Aware - sum up

While current security solutions have many weaknesses or unseen area’s, these solutions need continuous monitoring for successful crime detection and prevention.

X•Aware delivers a true 360° Situational Awareness, Incident Prevention and next-level Protection for 365/24/7 entirely automated. Converting unseen or overlooked spots into visible and detectable areas.

With the use of our proprietary intelligent threat indicator technology we have the ability to highly accurately predict potential threats and hazards. Resulting in real-time preventive security alerts that enables operators and officers to act proactively, more effectively and swiftly.

Why X•Aware - sum up

X•Aware delivers a true 360° Situational Awareness, Incident Prevention and next-level Protection for 365/24/7 entirely automated.

While current security solutions have many weaknesses or unseen area’s, these solutions need continuous monitoring for successful crime detection and prevention.

X•Aware technology converts unseen or overlooked spots into visible and detectable areas.

With the use of our proprietary intelligent threat indicator technology we have the ability to highly accurately predict potential threats and hazards. Resulting in real-time preventive security alerts that enables operators and officers to act proactively, more effectively and swiftly.

Interested to learn more on how X•Aware works?

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Learn what X•Aware can do for your organization